Press release: A planning decision blocking development of a medically supervised injection facility in Dublin will put lives at risk, the Green Party has warned today (Friday).

Dublin City Council today rejected plans for the facility at Merchant’s Quay Ireland in Dublin 8, which would allow supervised, safe injection of drugs indoors.

Local Green Party Councillor for the South West Inner City, Michael Pidgeon, said:

“This is a really unwelcome decision. People die due to unsafe injection practices and overdoses. These facilities are a tried and tested way to save lives.

“Locally, we have big problems with needles on the street and public injecting. Nobody – especially younger Dubliners – should be exposed to such practices. A delay in this much-needed facility will only see those problems worsen for local residents and those facing addiction alike.”

Green Party general election candidate for the area and Dublin City Councillor, Patrick Costello, said:

“The government need to show leadership here. They should meet with the HSE and Merchant’s Quay immediately to determine the next steps.

“I’m a social worker myself. The need for this facility is obvious and the evidence is clear. Supervised injection facilities are a proven way to save lives, prevent overdoses, and stop public injecting.

“The debate on these facilities is over. We have national legislation to allow them – it’s beyond time to get them up and running.”